Jul 21, 2023

2023 Summer Detroit Taxpayer Resource Fair

DivDat joins the City of Detroit Office of Treasury’s Detroit Taxpayer Service Center (DTSC) for their Taxpayer Resource Fair, an event designed to share information and provide assistance to property taxpayers, as 2023 “Summer Property Taxes” become due. The event will take place at the Heilmann Recreation Center on Friday, July 21, 2023, from 12 – 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, at 19601 Brock Avenue. Property tax payments for the City of Detroit and Wayne County can be paid at the event. Attendees can make payments through DivDat with cash, personal or business checks, or by credit or debit card.

For more information read our press release here. https://www.divdat.com/press-releases/divdat-provides-on-site-bill-payment-services-and-in-person-assistance-in-support-of-the-city-of-detroits-taxpayer-resource-fair/