The Network
The value of the network.
The DivDat Payment Network joins local area essential billers to better serve their
mutual customers. Resident consumers have the convenience of being presented
with all local area Network billers, so they can easily select the biller and account or accounts they’d like to pay.
DivDat is the only payment provider to offer a local area Network that connects multiple essential billers to local residents and consumers on one platform, across web, mobile, and in-person payment channels. DivDat is the pioneer in placing Bill Payment Kiosks in neighborhood retail establishments, to increase customers’ propensity to pay.
DivDat works with our biller customers and local retailers in their communities to help identify safe, convenient, and well-trafficked retail locations that will provide optimal exposure to their customer base.

For Billers
For billers, joining the DivDat Payment Network means coming together with other local area
essential billers to better serve your customers. All customers can access the DivDat Payment Network from most DivDat payment channels. They benefit from the ability to pay multiple bills – from multiple billers, 24/7/365
Relying on DivDat means tapping into the full payment potential of their payer base while making “staying current” easier for their customers. With more local area billers on the network, billpayers have a greater propensity to pay. More payments = more unpursued collections, which keep costs and rate increases at a minimum, for everyone.
For Billpayers
Since the DivDat Payment Network displays local area Billpayers enjoy the added convenience of being able to select local area billers and relevant accounts to pay.
Whether accessing The Network from DivDat’s Bill Payment Kiosks, or on-the-go from the Mobile App or the Consumer Web Pay Portal, DivDat’s local area Payment Networks provide important access to pay multiple billers and multiple accounts, from a convenient and safe location.

For Retailers
DivDat offers bill payment kiosks to essential billers intent on serving their full customer base with easy access points to make payments on their bills. DivDat’s kiosks accept cash, personal and business checks, as well as credit and debit cards, because for some customers, paying cash is a preference. For others, it’s their only option.
DivDat works with local retailers to place its Bill Payment Kiosks inside or outside their retail establishments, where shared customers are comfortable, safe, and already shop.
Most retailers are accessible during extended hours, outside those of typical cashiering teams, so more people can stay current on essential bills, without having to take time off of work to do it.
Increased access and better service for mutual customers =
- more door swings for retail partners
- additional spend in their stores
- and less burden on billers’ treasury staff
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How it works
Billers join the network as an added convenience to their consumers and benefit from the cross-pollination of servicing shared customers.
Billers on the DivDat Payment Network report they benefit from increased collections without the optics of untimely shutoffs, foreclosures, or the additional cost of pursuing late payments.