Jul 16, 2024
Property tax season is here. City of Detroit hosts fair to educate homeowners
By Lauren Winfrey
July 15, 2024 / CBS Detroit
(CBS DETROIT) – If you own a home in the city of Detroit, you’ve likely already received your property tax bill for summer property taxes in the mail, and now it’s time to talk payment.
“We try to stay above the game, you know what I mean,” said Johnnie Johnson, a Detroit homeowner. “When we came today, we were surprised to see the [tax payment] kiosks here. We thought we were going to be in line with a bunch of people, and we think this is very convenient.”
Ebony Whitelow, Associate Deputy Treasurer for Customer Success with the City of Detroit, says she loves when taxpayers like Johnson are pleasantly surprised, but she also wants to ensure they’re informed so nothing catches them off guard.
“We really want people to know the tax dates,” Whitelow said. “That’s very important.”
According to Whitelow, when it comes to paying summer property taxes, if you’re making a partial payment, you have until Aug. 15 to pay half of your bill; the second half is due Jan. 15. However, if you opt to pay the full amount, that payment is due Aug. 31, and payments received after the respective due dates will incur interest and a penalty.
“Everyone needs help, the way the economy is going now,” Whitelow said. “We want to be flexible, and also, while we’re being flexible, we’re educating the taxpayers on the things that they should do because owning a home should be a wonderful experience.”
The City of Detroit also offers a Plan Ahead Program, where homeowners are able to make deposits towards their bill over time, and a new city ordinance now allows for the Home Property Tax Exemption Program (HOPE) to pay for a prior year’s property taxes, something that could help those drowning in debt from back taxes.
“That flexibility for some really helps, and I want to get the word out,” Whitelow said.
As a result, Whitelow and the city of Detroit are doubling down on ensuring each homeowner has the property tax information they need by hosting a Taxpayer Resource Fair Block Part Wednesday from 1 to 3 p.m. at Spirit Plaza. Staff will be on hand to help answer current-year tax bill questions, along with questions about exemptions and convenient ways to pay.
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